The paper erects the safety system from the making and carrying out of safety rules, fire prevention regulations, and fire control according to different partial periods. 本文从建筑火灾安全制度的建立、实施,火灾预防制度的制定以及火灾一旦发生采取分阶段控制等方面考虑,建立了安全体系。
The current related law in our country only rules the criminal and administrative duty in "the People's Republic of China Fire Prevention Regulations" and "penal code". This for protecting the victim's rights is not enough. 我国现行的法律仅在《中华人民共和国消防法》和《刑法》中规定了违反相关法律法规的行政责任和刑事责任,这对于保护受害者的权利是远远不够的。
In the part of management about hazardous chemical substance, we built character database, fire prevention and put out a fire database, major chemical disaster accidents cases database and law/ regulations database. 针对危化品的管理,本文运用数据库技术建立了危化品特性数据库、危化品防火灭火信息表、重大化工事故案例数据库和化工安全法律/法规文件信息数据库。